2020 年 1 月 1 日
On Wine and Wineskins in Mark 2:21-22/Ken-jom Ho
This paper reviews that traditional construal and finds it wanting. Alternatives are explored and an optimal explanation based on what "wine" might have meant in the contemporary culture, is suggested.
2020 年 1 月 1 日
The Material Realities of Ancient Travel Journey in Proverbs 1-9 / Shirley S. Ho
This article seeks to locate Proverbs 1-9 in ancient Near East context of ancient travel journey. It highlights the material realities an ancient traveler encounters in his journey.
2020 年 1 月 1 日
Is Soren Kierkegaard a Friend or Foe of Natural Theology? A Chinese Perspective / Kai-man Kwan
For many people, Kierkegaard is obviously a foe of natural theology. However, this paper will argue that Kierkegaard's work as a whole, regardless of his original intention, is not in fact inimical to the project of natural theology, especially for a Chinese mind, which has a more holistic understanding of reason and experience.
2020 年 1 月 1 日
1895 年,傅蘭雅(John Fryer, 1839-1928)舉辦「時新小說」競賽,鼓勵中國文人以基督教語調針砭鴉片、時文、纏足「三弊」,催生出迄今可見首批中國人創作的「漢語基督教小說」。本文旨在闡述部分參賽者所鼓吹,一種「自上而下」式的基督教救國取徑。在這種想像中,基督徒理政方為國家鏟除積弊、邁向富強之真途;而要達至基督徒理政,參賽者或冀盼清室、官紳奉教,或寄望基督徒能得到提拔從政。
2020 年 1 月 1 日
「教會似家」 與 「家如教會」——華人教會對家庭事工的認知與實務/彭淑鈴、張江光麗