初探「語言做事理論」對聖經研究的貢獻 / 邵樟平
The plurality of biblical interpretation has been recognized as a challenge of paradigm shift in biblical studies. This article argues that Chinese biblical scholars should face the challenge by understanding the recent developments in biblical studies methods. Instead of writing a general introductory essay, the writer chooses Speech Act Theory as his focus in this study and explains its contributions to biblical studies.
After introducing the development of the theory since John Austin, the article pinpoints the significance of some basic concepts of the theory on biblical research. First, by distinguishing peformative acts from constative acts and emphasing the importance of illocutionary acts of discourses, speech act theory corrects the mistakes of logical postivism and analytic philosophy, which also has a strong influence in traditional biblical studies, in respect of the usage and meaning of language (i.e., disregards the aspect of language of doing things).
Second, the theory would enable us to aware and to grasp the meaning of the text of its extra-linguistic world, while the traditional biblical studies would not. Finally, the concepts of non-natural meaning and indirect speech acts show the importance of illocutionary act in understanding the meaning of a speech. Therefore, it reminds the biblical scholars not only satisfy in finding out the literal meaning of the text, but should also investigate the authorial intention behind the text.
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