An authentic religious dialogue is the key to success for developing the Christian theology of religions in this pluralistic era. Christianity needs to learn from the philosophies and practices of other religions, especially the Asian religions such as Buddhism. This article compares the understanding of the nature of entity between two religion giants. One is the famous medieval nominalist William of Ockham, and the other is the greatest Chinese T’ien-t’ai Buddhist Chih-i.
This article firstly discusses Ockham’s theory of the two powers of God (absolute power and ordained power). Then discussion of Ockham’s nominalism on universals will be given. Ockham tried to show that all entities were contingent and their existences were due to the will of God only. The concept of “threefold contemplation in one mind” of Chih-i is then discussed in details. The threefold truth, that is emptiness, conventional existence and middle, is perfectly integrated; and they are one-in-three and three-in-one. Besides, the soteriological dimension of the nature of entity will be explored. The author then compares the thoughts between Ockham and Chih-i and shows their similarity-in-difference. It is the author’s belief that mutual-enrichment should be the goal of all inter-religious dialogues. Thus, how Christian and Buddhist could enrich each other will be suggested in the conclusion.
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