基督教與人的生存──約翰.麥奎利的人觀 / 關啟文
基督教與存在主義有著千絲萬縷的關係。在二十世紀,布特曼(Bultmann)和 巴理(Buri)等數位存在主義神學家,嘗試結合基督教與存在主義,其中以約翰• 麥奎利(John Macquarrie)的存在主義神學最為平衡,並且特別值得研究。
The relationship between Christianity and existentialism is complicated. In the twentieth century, there are several existentialist theologians who try to combine Christianity with existentialism, such as Bultmann, Buri. The author believes John Macquarrie’s existentialist theology is the most balanced, and his anthropology is especially worth studying.
This paper begins with an explanation of Macquarrie’s three major emphases: man as being-on-the-way, being-in-the-world, and being-with-others. A summary of Macquarrie’s discussions in his Principles of Christian Theology is introduced, in which Macquarrie dwells on four kinds of polarity inherent in human existence: possibility vs. facticity, rationality vs. irrationality, community vs. individuality, and responsibility vs. impotence. Macquarrie argues that a widespread disorder of existence is rooted in this structure of human existence. Religious faith can repair this disorder by providing commitment and acceptance.
The author discusses several lines of criticism of Macquarrie’s anthropology, conceding that his analysis may be too middle-class oriented, and existentialist theology should be complemented by liberation theology. However, the outline of Macquarrie’s anthropology is still fairly convincing. Having examined the rationalist criticism that Macquarrie has committed a logical fallacy, inferring from a need to a reality, the author replies that this reflects a misunderstanding, and the strait-jacket of objectivism.
In the final section of this paper, whether Christianity really needs existentialism as an ally is discussed. The author criticizes the excessive claim for the necessity of an existentialist interpretation of the Christian kerygma. This claim is unfounded, empirically and theologically speaking. However, the author concludes that using it as one approach to theology and eschewing the traps of reductionism, existentialist theology can enrich the understanding of Christian faith, and help in the task of constructing a Christian worldview.
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