孫中山與基督教 / 蘇遠泰
孫中山先生年少時曾受洗歸入基督教,臨終時自證為基督教徒,但他沒有教會生活,生平亦甚少提及基督信仰。因此,孫中山與基督教的關係便容易被不同的人以不同立場去詮釋:基督徒認為他是一個敬虔的教徒,甚至他的革命理想也是源於基督教信仰;國民黨員卻極力否認他基督徒的身分。本文主要通過1928 年國民黨內有關取消打倒宗教口號的爭論,和孫中山的言論與行為,探索孫氏與基督教的關係。
Dr. Sun yat-sen was baptised and became a Christian in his early years. In addition, he claimed himself to be a Christian at the time of his death. However, he did not share a Church life like most of the Christians do. Dr. Sun did rarely mention his Christian belief as well. In such a case, the interpretation of his relationship with Christianity varies due to parties of different interests. Christians thought that he was a pious believer. Moreover, his revolutionary ideal was even considered to be originated in Christianity. Contradictorily, Kuomintang (KMT) denied his identity as a Christian with vigor. In 1928,there was a dispute over the abolition of the slogan “no more religion” in the KMT party. Through the investigation of the dispute as well as what Dr. Sun did and said, this paper is meant to find out the relationship between Dr. Sun and Christianity.
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