學院擴建 仍需努力/ Development Updated
1. Philip Teng Hall —— Men’s Residence
Praise the Lord! The new men’s residence hall is near completion with the anticipated occupation date set at the end of March. The dedication service has also already been scheduled for the 20th of April, coinciding with Alumni and Open Day.
Of the shortage of about HK$1,000,000.00 in the building program (as mentioned in our last bulletin), only HK$280,000,00 has been received so far. After much consideration, extensive cutbacks and simplification of furniture. as well as interior decorating have been implemented, hoping to save at least HK$200,000.00. However, there is still a difference of about HK$500,000,00 to be accounted for! Your sacrificial financial and prayer supports are therefore much needed and appreciated.
2.Renovation of Newbern Hall
According to the original development plan, a graduate. study centre, staff residence quarters, as well as a church music center were to be built after the completion of the Philip Teng Hall; but in view of the present financial condition, these programs would have to be postponed indefinitely. We are still seeking God’s further guidance and direction in this matter.
However, with the moving of men students to the new residence hall, the vacated 30-year old Newbern Hall would have to be completely renovated in order to provide much needed classroom space and practice rooms especially for the new church music program. This project, along with a much needed organ and fow new pianos, will cost about HK$600,000,00; truly a fitted tribute to Dr. William C. Newbern, who for many years had desired a church music program for ABS. We ask that as you pray for us you will also consider giving generously to this project.
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