筆者相信,一個極權政府亟欲控制社會每個環節,故宗教在其中的從屬地位不易有所改變。但對在自由地區的宗教徒而言,必須致力防止任何使宗教從屬於政治 – 無論是執政黨抑或反對黨、無論是保守力量抑或所謂革命力量 – 的做法。宗教政治化意味著宗教的自取滅亡。
This paper examines the theory and practice of “Religion as Political Tool” promulgated by the CCP of China. The atheist regime denies all intrinsic values of religion and regards it as solely subordinate to political powers. In the past, religion was exploited by the feudalists as well as the capitalists for the subjugation of the ruled. Thus religion was viewed as anti-revolutionary and a roadblock to the liberation movement.
After CCP took over China for more than half a century, its view upon religion basically remains unchanged. Religion is pragmatically regarded as a political tool with implicit political influence. It can be mobilized for national development, but can also be a destabilizing force in society. Thus religion must be constantly controlled. In the last decade, the former CCP president Jiang Zemin concluded the religious policies of China as the following “three phrases”: “Completely and correctly implement the Party’s policy of religious freedom,strengthen supervision over religious affairs in accordance with the law, and positively guide religion to adapt to socialist society.”The last phrase implies that religion is used as a tool by the communist state to benefit the state/society. Religion exists as to serve the interest of the ruling party.
According to the writer, it is unrealistic to expect a big change in the subordinate status of religion in a society where a totalitarian political authority controls all the sectors. However, as religious people living in free countries, we should remind ourselves that subordinating religion to political power and ideology of any kind is but suicidal. Religion can never be reduced to political ideal or practice.
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