In responding to the view of some Confucianists that God is purely transcendence, Christian doctrine of Trinity shows that God is both transcendence and immanence; the pneumatology of Jiirgen Moltmann particularly can reveal the immanency of God. His pneumatology could be divided into three main parts: ecclesiastical, personal and cosmic renewal. Moltmann prefers a pneumatological ecclesiastic structure rather than a hierarchical one. Following his criticism of the church hierarchy, Moltmann proposes to develop layman theology besides priestly theology. He agrees with the Reformers to maintain a good balance between Holy Word and Holy Spirit, and the subjective dimension of personal experience of the Holy Spirit should not be neglected; such subjective experience points to social inter-subjectivity. In the postmodern context, we should also include the eschatological and cosmic dimensions in our experience of God. According to Moltmann, the “Schechina” of God in the Old Testament symbolizes the presence of God in the history of Israel and in the cosmos.
The last part of this article discusses the dialogue between Moltmann’s pneumatology and the Chinese’s Chi Cosmology. From the perspective of Chinese cosmology, the separation of Chi into Yin and Yang caused the self-creating force of the universe; within such cosmic system, it is open for human to unite with the transcendence. Therefore, for a long time Confucianism has claimed itself to be a self-sufficient, “immanent transcendence” philosophy that surpasses Christianity, which is thought to be lacking the immanent dimension. However, Moltmann’s eschatological and cosmic pneumatology shows that Christianity, based on a God who is at the same time the transcendental and ultimate entity and the Holy Spirit dwelling in the world, has proved a harmonious relation among human, cosmos and God. Moltmann’s pneumatology expresses God as both transcendence and immanence; this made a platform for further conversation between Christianity and Confucianism.
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