


魏克利(Philip L. Wickeri)教授是當代國際著名的中國基督教史研究學者, 跨域廣泛、成果斐然。本文旨在闡述魏教授的學術歷程,以及他對中國基督教史研究所作的多方面的重要貢獻。另對他多年來與中國的緣分,以及教書育人、牧養生涯的面相多有描繪。


Prof. Philip L. Wickeri is a well-known scholar of the history Christianity in China, His perspective is broadly interdisciplinary and refined  in its presentation. This essay describes his academic path, detailing the multifaceted contributions he has made to the study of the history of Christianity in China. It also describes the special relationship he has developed with China over many years, his work as an educator and the pastoral side of his life

原載於《建道學刊》54期(2020年7月),頁 273-280。