探討城市化浪潮對中國穆斯林「遷移者」在信仰上的影響 /鄭曉春
城外人:因生計從農村走進城市者。筆者將之分為兩類,走入近文化及相對的異文化。前者面對的衝擊較小,故改變信仰的機會比走進異文化的穆民小些。 他們絕大部分的教育水平不高,傳福音時該注重如何立體地傳講。
What has urbanization done to the twenty thousand Muslims in China? This paper aims at exploring the mobile Muslims in terms of three categories, and thus shedding light on how Christians can preach the gospel of Christ to this particular group effectively.
The first group refers to those who are forced to disperse within a city because of the city planning. Research has shown that these young Muslims are under the influence of secular values as well as nuclear family setting, which affects the belief of the young Muslims. Thus they will become the target group to be evangelized.
The second group means those who move from one city to another with their capital and knowledge. They are regarded as the faithful Muslims. The situation is rather different from what we have presupposed that they are more ready to accept Christianity once they are away from home with strong religious ties. Christians should grasp the doctrines of Islam as well as the differences between Christianity and Islam in order to open a dialogue between Christians and Muslims.
There are two groups of people who move from villages to cities because of earning a living. The first group lives under the near-culture while the second group resides in a quite different culture from their own. The first type of city residents face relatively little challenges. Thus, they are not very likely to change their belief compared to those in the second group. Most of the Muslims in the first group are not educated, that is why we need to present the Bible messages to them in a more lateral way.
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