潘霍華與莫特曼對巴特上帝的主體性的批判 / 鄧紹光
Barth’s most important contribution for the Protestant Christianity in the twentieth century is his reclaiming of God’s subjectivity. His understanding of God’s subjectivity is twofold-structured. On one hand, as primary objectivity, God’s subjectivity is essentially his self-relatedness in his self-revelation within himself. On the other hand, as secondary objectivity, which is grounded on his primary objectivity, God’s subjectivity is expressed in relating to the other when He freely reveals Himself to those different from Him. D. Bonhoeffer criticizes such freedom of subjectivity in terms of primary objectivity is formal but not substantial. It is only when God goes out of Himself in Christ that God’s freedom of subjectivity is concretely defined as His relation to the other. However, Bonhoeffer is not involved in the discussion of the reversal influence on the primary objectivity. J. Moltmann follows Bonhoeffer and further argues the relative reversal construction of God’s secondary objectivity. In Moltmann’s terms, God is love so that He allows Himself to be influenced by His relation to the other. That is, on the basis of the primary determination of the immanent Trinity, God’s economic Trinity allows determination of His inner divine life. In this way, Moltmann stays within Barth’s twofold structure but transforms Barth’s understanding of God’s subjectivity as transcendent I-ness to dialectical I-ness.
2025 年 1 月 28 日
【跨越文化研究生力軍】從德國到民族敬拜學 / 潘凱玲
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【跨越文化研究生力軍】你願意為宣教擺上多少? / 李潔盈
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從梧州到長洲:建道神學院125年的挑戰與恩典 / 陳智衡
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