本文爬梳滕牧師的專書、論文、講章、牧養感言、回憶錄及訪問等載述,考察他從六十年代至二十一世紀初各時期推動本地海外華人差傳事工過程中形成發展的普世差傳宣教觀念,以及影響其觀念發展的基督教歷史和時代背景包括諸信仰運動思潮,揭示當代華人教會普世宣教神學思想發展之成就。針對基督教天主教聯合思潮、普世基督教合一運動、東方宗教興起、國家主義、自由派福音派差傳觀爭辯、普救主義、華人教會狹隘佈道視野及普宣事業不振等問題,借鑑十七至十九世紀歐洲敬虔運動、屬靈大學生運動及世宣運動等宣教擴展歷史,響應十九世紀中以來歐美基督教會合一運動、普世教會增長與差傳運動、亞洲教會差傳意識覺醒、韓國教會爆增、華人教會的屬靈復興、合一協作、植堂差傳、研經培靈、神學教育等運動及福音派《惠敦宣言》普世佈道立場,滕牧師從六十年代起從聖經差傳異象、使徒教會發展及個人豐富的世界宣教經驗,建構發展面向華人教會的普世差傳宣教神學觀念。他主張基督教會尤其華人教會合一、 研經培靈、普及門訓、加強差傳的年會、神學教育、護教學裝備及文字事工, 感召青年,培訓一流宣教人才,緊握差傳異象和救恩信仰,傳承教會尤其宣道會屬靈傳統,推行普宣。信徒應掌握差傳事工的循環擴展規律和神與救贖論本位佈道觀念,平衡超世入世等兩面傳教進路,養成普世教會思想,以基督應許權柄為確據,效法主愛及其精神,憑信心、同心、禱告、方言預表及聖靈引導大能,合一總動員進行本地海外的教會植堂增長及差傳事工,兼重質量,以差傳為主線, 走從本國到普世、宣講為本見證為輔的跨民族文化宣教路線,完成普世福音大使命。差傳由國際視野的戰略型先知教會領袖帶領,作好佈道預工繼工,利用新時代佈道組織及方法工具,佈道與社會服務並行,因地制宜進行本色化、處境化宣教。東西方教會尤其福音派華人教會進行跨國族、宗派、教會、堂會合作傳教,不結天主教不倚西差會,應用國度擴展原則,追求普世教會拓展,建立基督國度。總之,滕牧師以聖經異象、基督大使命、聖靈權能、使徒教會進路、教會差傳增長擴展、國度建立為中心的普宣神學觀,對於當代華人教會的普宣思想與差傳事業的建立發展,作出莫大貢獻,也標誌着當代華人普宣神學思想發展的重要里程碑。
Countering the ideological trends of Christian-Catholic alliance, ecumenism, rise of eastern religions and nationalism, evangelical-liberal debate about mission, and universalism, Rev. Philip Teng(1922-2013), a prominent Chinese theologian and pioneer missionary gradually develop a theology of world missions and evangelism for the Chinese church since mid 1960s. He took reference of the history of world evangelism such as the movements of pietism, university student evangelism, worldwide missions of the great century in the 17th-19th centuries and the significant Christian movements since 19th century including ecumenical movement, church growth movement, world mission movement, the evangelical awakening of Asian church, exponential growth of Korean church and the movements of spiritual revivals, oversea missions, Chinese churches in one accord for world missions, church planting and evangelism, bible study and convention, theological education of the Chinese church and the evangelical views of Wheaton Declaration (1966). His theology mainly aims to tackle the narrow vision and insufficient work of world mission of the Chinese church in that time. It focuses on the important biblical visions, Great Commission, power of the spirit, development of Apostolic Church, church growth and expansion through evangelism, and establishment of Kingdom of God. To fulfill the Great Commission, he advocates a God/Salvation-centred evangelism moving circularly from local to the world through unifying and mobilizing the Chinese church. Churches are to adopt a cross-ethnic/culture approach assisted by strengthening discipleship/missionary/apologetics training, mission conference and Christian literature, and using the ways of proclamation, witnessing, contextualization, up-to-date organization and methods, social services, church planting and expansion, and cross-race/domination/church collaboration, etc. His theology marks an important milestone in the development of the Chinese theology of world missions and has been giving invaluable contribution to the promotion of the world missions of the Chinese church.
原載於《建道學刊》54期(2020年7月),頁 135-175。
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