本文主要從約翰福音前半部中數個主所行的神蹟,探討兩類屬於主「自己的人」的特點。第一類屬於主的人,可分為兩種:第一種是在肉身的血統上與主有直接關係的,他們是主的兄弟及一眾猶太人;第二種是在屬靈上似乎與主建立了關係的人,他們是主的門徒及其他跟從主的人。然而,敘述者藉著不同事件的編排,讓讀者看見第一類「屬於主自己的人」,並非真正屬於主;他們的信只是建基於主所行的神蹟,所以他們的信心並不真實。第二類屬於主自己的人是撒瑪利亞婦人和她的同鄉(四章)、大臣和他的一家(四章)、得到醫治的瞎子(九章) 以及某些猶太人(十一章)。他們主要是因為「聽見主的說話而相信」,所以他們是真正屬於主、接待主和擁有真正信心的人。
Based on some miracles narrated in the first part of the Gospel of John, this paper surveys two types of people who maybe titled as “people belonging to the Lord.”The first type can be classified into two categories. The first is those who have ethnic relationship with Jesus – they are Jesus’ brothers and other Jews; the second have built up spiritual relationship with Jesus – they are Jesus’ disciples and those who follows him. Through his narration the narrator shows that the first type is not really “people belonging to the Lord,” as their faith is not genuine and is mainly based on the miracles performed by the Lord. The second type of “people belonging to the Lord” includes the Samaritan woman and other Samaritans (Ch.4), the official and his family (Ch.4), the healed blindman (Ch.9) and some Jews (Ch.11).Their Faith Is Mainly Based On “hearing and believing the Lord’s words.” These people really belong to the Lord, for they really receive him and their faith is genuine.
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