- 電子工程學士,香港科技大學,香港,1997
- 電子工程研究碩士,香港科技大學,香港,1999
- 基督教研究碩士(跨越文化研究主修),建道神學院,香港,2011
- 神學碩士(研究式),建道神學院,香港,2012
- 哲學博士,密德薩斯大學(牛津宣教研究中心),英國,2024
- 傳道,宣道會活水堂,2012-2015
- 宣教士,國際主僕差會,2015-2023
- 建道神學院,2023-
宗教間對話; 亞洲宣教學; 宣教歷史;整全使命; 伊斯蘭研究; 民間穆斯林;文化人類學;營商宣教;無神論。

2025 年 1 月 28 日
【跨越文化研究生力軍】從中東工場到華人神學教育 / 簡國基
- Kan, Toby. “Book Review: Coptic Christians and Muslims in Egypt: Two Communities Written by Flkry F. Andrawes, and Alison Orr-Andrawes.” International Journal of Asian Christianity 3, no. 2 (2020): 240–41.
- Kan, Toby. “Book Review: A Sword Over the Nile: A Brief History of the Copts Under Islamic Rule.” Transformation 38, no. 4 (October 2021): 373–74.
- Kan, Toby. “‘Revolutionary Youth’ in Egypt: Interfaith Relations Since the 2011 Revolution.” Contemporary Review of the Middle East 10, no. 2 (2023): 147–64.
- Kan, Toby. “Social Discourses in Egypt: Historical Developments of Interfaith Relations Between Christians and Muslims.” Mission Studies 40, no. 1 (2023): 120–49.
- Kan, Toby, and Henrik L Hansen. “Christian-Muslim Dialogue as Socio-Political Action in Egypt.” In Christian Minorities and Their Responses under Coercive Polities, edited by David E. Singh. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press., in press.
- Christian-Muslim Dialogue in Post-Revolutionary Egypt: The Influence of the Humanist Discourse.