本文旨在研究約翰 · 衛斯理的福音運動與英國社會反政府的互動,並從其影響看這段歷史對今天中國政教關係的啟迪。衛斯理的福音運動反映着英國社會在工業革命的急變情況下,人心(特別是低下階層)在政治及經濟上動盪不安,作為聖公會、中產階層的衛斯理有意無意間發揮了很大的社會及政治作用。一方面因着其與社會建制的緊密關係,他傾向維持社會現存建制,並希望利用在社會建制已提供的空間來實現其宗教理想,以致為當時尖銳的社會矛盾提供一個溫和的解決方案。另一方面,他的中產階層身分能令他較敏銳社會及教會現存的問題,並提倡具針對性的行動。他的背景及訓練亦讓他有強大的組織力來推動循道會的各樣工作,並由此影響社會。衛斯理及其福音運動作為新興宗教運動是一直處於政治的邊緣,只是因它的羣動員性才備受政府質疑。作為宗教運動,如何發展是它主要的關注。因此,它會選擇一條認為有助發展的路,來處理它與政府及社會的關係。在這情況下,宗教組織可能同時是「反社會」、「愛國」及「有社會作用」的。如此,政府的撲殺其實並沒有對症下藥,更廣義的政治氛圍才是值得注意的地方。相反,政府正面的認可,一般都能令宗教羣體趨向「社會化」及融入建制。最後,本文以十八世紀英國福音運動的特點,折射出中國新興家庭教會在今天中國社會的機遇。
The article has two objectives: it studies the social and political implications of John Wesley’s evangelical movement in the 18th century England; and it discusses the contemporary Chinese Church-State relation through the insights of this history. The 18th century England was experiencing rapid social changes. John Wesley and his evangelical movement had made a positive contribution to stabilize the social and political circumstances. Wesley’s Anglican and middle class background has influenced him to take a conservative political stance while to be sensitive to the social needs. Thus, he launched moderate reforms for the acute social issues, and used his capacity to initiate a great movement. Evangelical movement is not merely a religious revival, but a social reform. The article also points out that the evangelical movement had been considered as a potential political threat by the British government because of its popularity. But, it finds that, Wesley, as a religious leader and conservative middle class, his attitude towards the government correlated to government’s toleration of his movement. He would support the government in order to seek its approval for Methodist congregations. Conversely, he would threaten to be dissent if government attempted to take action against his group. Thus, Wesley and his movement can be either a positive or negative power to the social change. With this insight, the article argues that Chinese emerging family churches are in a similar situation with the 18th century Methodists. It suggests that Chinese government may gain their supports and positive contributions if a more tolerated policy towards them is adopted.
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