This paper argues for the theoretical superiority of theism in explaining the nature of morality. If materialistic worldview is true, then one can accept both moral realism and materialism, only with the price of explaining morality as a queer entity, which doesn’t fit with the overall pattern of reality. On the other hand, a realist picture of morality, which consists of the evaluative concepts (goodness, excellence, etc.) and its deontic counterparts (oughtness, rightness, etc.), imply the existence of the transcendent standard of values and obligation. More precisely, the realist account of the evaluative concepts of morality require their being grounded in the perfect being’s normative desire, while the deontic concepts of morality can only be satisfyingly accounted for if they express the supreme lawgiver’s binding volition. This appeal to the divine psychology, however, is neither queer nor ad hoc , because a similar argumentative strategy can be made in the realist account of mathematics and logic. If the reality of mathematics, logics, and other empirically unverifiable abstract objects requires postulating the existence of the divine mind as the truthmaker of these objects’ truth claims, then it is reasonable to say that the reality of moral concepts as abstract objects requires postulating the existence of the divine psychology as the truthmaker of moral claims. Hence, a thoroughly realist account of reality also grants actuality to abstract objects, but this implies the existence of the perfect, divine mind.
原載於《建道學刊》52期(2019年7月),頁 109-138。
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