自由與秩序:基督教、人權與文化—訪談基督教法學家維特(John Witte, Jr.) / 謝志斌
This interview presents a Chinese scholar’s engagement with an American Christian jurist John Witte, Jr. with a Chinese perspective. It shows Witte’s faithfulness as a Christian as well as responsibility to social and political freedom and order as a jurist alongside his openness to cultural resources. He insists that the norms of human rights demand the support of human rights culture. Christianity can make its own contributions to the basic framework and principles of human rights in the following aspects: Christian idea of human dignity, our responsibility and rights to God and our neighbors, our rights to speech, worship and governance derived from our stewardship as prophets, priests and kings, etc. Furthermore, Christian engagement in human rights agenda is the witness and product of their identity and faith. For the Christians and Christian scholars in the Chinese context, we are obliged to contribute our own tradition including religious resources to the public discourse on human rights while revising these resources themselves. In this way, we may find the root for the thought and practice of human rights and thus express it in proper ways.
原載於《建道學刊》56期(2021年7月),頁 113-130。
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