靈意與正解──賈玉銘釋經方法初探 / 郭偉聯
M. Chia has been an important biblical scholar within the Chinese conservative Christian circle since the early 20th Century. Contrary to recent Chinese evangelical scholars’ view point, the article claims that though spiritualization is the main feature for Chia’s hermeneutics, spiritualization does not mean a “free-play,” or is an inferior interpretation approach than historical-grammatical method. The article begins with a general survey on Chia’s hermeneutical methods, including scriptura ipsius interpres, thematic interpretation, and his emphasizing on spirituality cultivation as ultimate goal for biblical interpretation. The writer points out that these features reveal spiritualization is the focal point for Chia’s hermeneutics, and tries to sketch how the method of spiritualization works in his biblical interpretation. In response to critics that believing historical-grammatical method as objective and systematic, and prevails over “subjective” spiritualization “free-play,” the article offers following analysis: (1) Both historical-grammatical method and spiritualization seek to recover the authorial meaning. While historical-grammatical critic sees the hermeneutical gap between text and interpreter should be filled by historic or grammatical data, the method of spiritualization seeks the correct interpretation from Holy Spirit. (2) Chia’s spiritualization is not a “free-play,” for the interpretation is confined by his theological stance. (3) The recent biblical scholarship points out that the historical-grammatical method is not so “objective” as the Chinese evangelical scholars think. (4) The Theory of Intertextuality shows neither historical-grammatical method nor spiritualization can avoid subjective elements.
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