馬太福音中的神學與群體 / 黃根春
Matthean scholars have long observed a tension between two tendencies, namely the Jewish Christian thought and the Gentile Christian one. These are clearly seen in the texts about the Mission (10:5-6, 28:18-20), Law (5:17-20, 7:12) and Judgment (21:43, 25:31-46). The present paper makes firstly a brief survey of past research results, and points out the inadequacy of the traditional exegetical methods (diachronous), especially in dealing with the tension in a text. The synchronous exegetical method forces us to handle the tension seriously and to deal with the relation between text and the community behind it. The two tendencies of the text imply that there were two groups of Christians, namely Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians, behind the Gospel of Matthew. In writing to that Christian community, the redactor Matthew employs some strategies (like the possibility of double or multi interpretation, combination of different maxims, generalization of teachings which seem to contradict each other, differentiation of teachings, and the commandment of tolerance), to formulate an inter-cultural theology. All these strategies aim to make the two groups live together harmoniously. Finally, this paper further employs three methods (constructive deduction, analytical deduction and comparative deduction) to trace the external circumstances of the community behind the Gospel of Matthew.
2025 年 1 月 28 日
【跨越文化研究生力軍】從德國到民族敬拜學 / 潘凱玲
2025 年 1 月 28 日
【跨越文化研究生力軍】你願意為宣教擺上多少? / 李潔盈
2025 年 1 月 28 日
2025 年 1 月 2 日
從梧州到長洲:建道神學院125年的挑戰與恩典 / 陳智衡
2023 年 10 月 1 日
2023 年 6 月 1 日