香港五旬節會創立於1907年,是最早的華人五旬節派教會,也是土生土長自立教會。然而,研究中國五旬節運動的學者,沒有視之為華人自立五旬節派的重要個案;研究中國教會自立運動的學者,探討「本土基督教」或「屬靈派」的時候,則沒有視之為研究個案。本文以香港五旬節會為研究個案,聚焦於該會創立後首二十年,即莫禮智領導時期(1907-1926),探討該會複雜的華洋關係。 本文指出︰ 1. 該會對西方傳教士的態度,往往糾結於彼此合作與劃清界限之間, 反映五旬節運動相關的自立教會,並非一定排外。2. 該會複雜的華洋關係,反映 「華洋相對」的進路局限,因為教會自立涉及種種教會發展爭議,民族議題的確重要,但絕非唯一議題。
The Hong Kong Pentecostal Mission, being the first Chinese Pentecostal Church founded in 1907, is an independent indigenous church. However, both scholarly treatments in Chinese Pentecostalism and Chinese church independence do not treat this mission as a significant case study. This article examines the Sino-Foreign relation in the early time of the Hong Kong Pentecostal Mission, namely the period of Mok Lai Chi’s leadership (1907-1926). This article points out that 1) It is improper to regard all Chinese indigenous independent churches with Pentecostal influence as anti-foreign because the Sino-Foreign relation of the Hong Kong Pentecostal Mission was complicated – collaboration and conflict were co-existent. 2) This case reveals the limitation of the ‘Sino-Foreign’ perspective within the studies in Chinese church independence since the national issue was not the sole consideration guiding the development of the Hong Kong Pentecostal Mission.
原載於《建道學刊》54期(2020年7月),頁 71-103。
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