Biblical Studies In A Postmodern Age(聖經研究與後現代) / Philip R. Davies 戴維斯
This essay attempts to understand how biblical studies is affected by the age of postmodernism. It considered five topics which become problematic in a postmodern setting: Language, Text, History, God and Bible. Though these five areas become problematic to biblical scholars in the postmodern age, it is not impossible or irrelevant.
The discipline will not remain in a time-capsule insulated from developments in other humanities. The author argues that, we live in a world not of fact and object but of persuasion, of marketing, of blurring of reality and unreality. Indeed, in a postmodern academy, the need to justify your own truth and argue against other truths is more important than ever, since no longer can any particular truth expect to be given privileged status.
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