Pitfalls And Dangers Facing 21ST Century Evangelicalism[廿一世紀福音派面對的危機和陷阱﹙中譯﹚]/James I. Packer 巴刻
With Colossians 2 : 1-10 as a prologue , Packer points out that according to the teaching of the Apostle Paul , Colossians were to build up wisdom and knowledge that were Christ – centered . The author suggests that what it means by ” evangelicalism ” is Christianity that preached by Paul, emphasizing that men have to repent and convert. In the discussion, Packer traces the origin of the terminology ” evangelicalism, ” and he expounds the theology of Paul from a doctrinal perspective. Moreover, the author points out that there are three versions of contemporary Christianity, namely Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox, evangelicalism , and liberal Protestantism .
The number of evangelicals has been steadily ascending in the twentieth century, and the number of seminaries and para – church ministries are also increasing, Packer regards these good news. However, he reminds evangelicals to be alert , be watchful of Satan’s destructive work , and be cautious of spiritual and moral deterioration . He also encourages believers to be diligent in cultivating their minds, and to reflect more on faith and lives. Packer restates the examples of churches of Pergamum, Sardis and Laodicea in the Book of Revelation, to remind believers the importance of holiness, and to encourage the churches to reflect on whether their ministries are of the apostolic pattern. Besides, the author observes that there are four crises brought forth by contemporary ideologies, namely intellectual relativism, religious pluralism , ethical consequentialism , and unworthy individualism . While facing all these crises, Packer insists that the gospel of Christ be the only hope for men, and that the salvation of Jesus Christ is an expression of God’s wisdom. It is Jesus Christ who reveals to us a true humanism.
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