SEEK GOD AND REMEMBER HIS COVENANT The Chronicler's Insertion of the Levitical Medley (1 Ch 16:8- 36) within the Context of the Ark Narrative/Ko Ming-him
Ko Ming-him
The “Levitical medley” (1Ch 16:8-36) is described as the song of Asaph in the Chronicler’s portrayal of David’s transfer of the ark (1Ch 13-16). This medley seems to be a well-crafted juxtaposition of the Ps 96, 105, 106 with specific purposes and stylistic arrangements. Why does the Chronicler choose such a combination of the Psalms to construct the medley and place it at the end of the second transfer of the ark? It is the purpose of this article to answer this question by tracing the Chronicler’s arrangement of constructing semantic and thematic links between the medley and its immediate narrative context. Firstly, I shall first briefly situate the question in scholarly comments and clarify my methodology. Secondly, I shall offer two sets of semantic links between the medley and its immediate narrative context. Finally, I wish to deduce two thematic links from the two semantic sets. As shall be seen, the Chronicler inserts the Levitical medley at the end of the ark narrative so as to conclude theologically the experiences of the transfer of the ark with two themes: (1) seeking God as an indispensable attitude for the successful transfer of the ark, and (2) the Levites’ ministering as an indispensable procedure for the embodiment and remembrance of YHWH’s covenant.
在歷代志的敘事當中,利未的組合詩(代上十六8∼36)是利未歌唱者亞 薩的作品,是在大衛運送約櫃時所作的。這組合詩是歷代志作者的精心之作, 他採用了詩篇一○五、九十六、一○六篇的內容,塑造出一首新的組合詩,為 要表達其神學思想。本文透過發現歷代志作者所建立的語義(semantic)及主題(thematic)連結,探討歷代志作者為何選擇這些詩篇來建構他的敘事。首先,筆者簡單討論學術界及方法論的考慮;第二,筆者探討兩組語義的連結;最後,筆者會主張兩個神學性的主題連結:(1)尋求神是運送約櫃時應有的心態;(2)利未人的事奉成為耶和華盟約成全及記念的主要元素。
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