The Narrative Turn: Thirty Years Later(敘事轉向──三十年後)/Stanley M. Hauerwas 侯活士
The aim of this article is to argue against the use of narrative as an apologetic strategy in fulfilling the demand of modernity. The author offers a critical appreciation of the use of narrative for theological reflection. Narrative is by itself not the foundation of theology, but a literary type conveying Christian convictions. The disadvantage of the description “narrative theology” is exaggerating the importance of narrative rather than God. The author emphasizes the conceptual and analytical dimension of stories. He disagrees the reduction of Christian claims into general experience in which the truthfulness of Christian faith is being neglected. He questions the use of narrative for apologetical purpose. He uses Alasdair Maclntyre as an example that the concept of narrative is replaced by tradition in the later stage. On the other hand, he agrees with John Milbank that narrative is a more basic category than either explanation or understanding, because narrative reveals not only our self-understanding, but also the understanding of reality. In conclusion, he affirms that the theological and metaphysical claims of narratives are still valid for modernity.
Abstract by Benedict H. Kwok
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