本文旨在點出sanctorum communio有兩個可能意思,除了指涉「聖徒相 通」,也指涉「參與在聖禮中/共享聖物」,只是後者在基督教圈子中不被重 視,直至普世教會合一運動重新把「共融」(communion)帶回討論後,參與 聖禮的行動再次得到注視,成為建構教會論的一個重心。當代的共融教會觀 (communal ecclesiology)強調聖禮對「共融」(communio)的建構作用,更 進一步把教會的團契生活扣連到三一上帝的存有方式上(the way of being of the triune God)。這個被喻為是「教會論的共識」對福音派教會造成一定的衝擊。「共融」、「參與三一上帝的生命」、「聖禮建構教會」等說法都不是我們所熟悉的。「共融教會觀」帶來甚麼啟迪和挑戰?持守福音派信仰的我們又如何回應?作為一個探索性的研究,本文未就這些問題給出肯定的答案。本文認為基督徒不應該一早否定sanctorum communio有其聖禮的含義和指向。Sanctorum communio的整全意思需要被尊重,也是日後需要被深入探討的課題。
This article tries to explore the contemporary meaning of sanctorum communio. It first points out that the theological laden term sanctorum communionem added in the Apostle’s Creed has two possible meanings: it refers to “communion of saints” or “participation in sacraments.” The second part of the article shows that the sacramental meaning of sanctorum communion was dissipated gradually after Luther’s reformation. Since then, “communion/community of saints” becomes the dominant translation and interpretation of sanctorum communion in the Protestant circle. The third part of the article points out that the sacramental aspect of communion was revitalized under the current discussion of communal ecclesiology. After Vatican II, “communion” becomes a key to understand the nature and purpose of the church in the ecumenical movement. Such a communal ecclesiology emphasizes the function of sacraments in constituting the relationship between church fellowship and the way of being of the triune God. This poses great challenges to the evangelicals who are not so familiar with the language of “communion,” “participation in the life of triune God” and “sacraments make the church.” This article argues that we as evangelicals should not deny from the outset the sacramental meaning of sanctorum communion. What are the challenges and how should we respond to them? As an exploratory study, this article does not give definite answers. It just voices out that the full meaning of sanctorum communio must be respected and further discussed in the future.
原載於《建道學刊》42期(2014年7月),頁 117-144。
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