鄺成中 建道神學院副教授
使徒行傳二至十一章先後有數段經文簡略的述及早期教會及個別信徒對貧 窮人在物質上的支援,然而,這數段經文的描述在整卷使徒行傳中卻是佔有重 要的位置,敘述者是要透過對這些事件的描述進一步進到重要的課題,就是在 屬靈上支援有需要的人,也就是福音的共享。敘述者對這些支援貧窮人事件的 描述,同時帶出了書卷中福音傳揚的主要進路,就是福音的傳揚要從耶路撒冷 開始,繼而進到撒瑪利亞,並且到達地極。
There are several passages from Acts 2-11 relating to believers having everything in common in the early Church period. On one hand these writings described early Church’s support to people who are in need, on the other hand these writings are used to bring out an important theme of the book: the early Church’s support to people who are poor in spiritual status, that is, having the goodness of the gospel in common. This theme of having the gospel in common then further develops the main topic of the book: preaching the gospel, starting from Jerusalem, to Judea, to Samaria, and to the end of the world.
原載於《建道學刊》41期(2014年1月),頁 235-254。