The essay places itself in three simultaneous contexts: (1) in the reality of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, (2) in the political situation after the cold war and the German history, and (3) in the context of a “Zeitgeist” characterized by the strong undercurrents of vitalism, a stoic acceptance of tragedy and an overstretching of both reason and redemption.
Against this background the essay sketches out the strengths and weaknesses of the just war theory, of the concept of just peace and of religious pacifism. In a next step it explores the role of national state for the work of peace in the sphere of civil society. For the Church׳s active engagement for peace it calls attention to the Pauline trials of faith, love, and hope – i.e. for dealing with haunting and conflict generating pasts.
The essay eventually argues for a theological and moral realism. In view of the reality of the risen Christ, there is no just war. At the same time, even the pacifist cannot escape becoming guilty. Beyond the dualistic alternative of right and wrong, justified war and righteous pacifism and in a world reconciled with God but not yet fully redeemed the Christian Churches search for peace. Christians are facing the challenge of using military force in order to keep at bay greater evil – even while they are still hoping for the transforming and redeeming power of God׳s spirit.
原載於《建道學刊》46期(2016年7月),頁 1-29。
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