中國的家庭教會長期以來都處於法律之外。這個客觀的存在,無形中給了中國政府陷於兩難的壓力 一 既不能取締,也不便公開管制。故此,中國政府要在不久將來把家庭教會歸入法律體制之內,是難以逃避的。但問題不是政府是否要將家庭教會納入登記的範圍,而在於家庭教會登記的時候,究竟會經過甚麼過程,在內在外會有怎樣的回響。本文透過探究今日家庭教會的現況,希望能夠描繪一幅可能性甚高的圖畫,以作我們的參考,好叫今日的家庭教會有所準備。
House churches in China have long existed outside the Legal System. Their presence is quite an embarrassment to the Chinese Government, since the government can neither completely eliminate them nor openly control them. They are not exactly religious organization by definition, but in fact they are running religious activities. It is very likely the government will sooner or later let them register so that they can be included in the Law! However, the issues of concern are, through what process will the churches be registered, and that raises what resounds, either from within or without. This essay will seek to paint a picture of possibilities drawing insights from the existing situation of the churches right now. May this picture be our reference to what will happen so that we may well prepared for an era.