As the most important oral tradition, Mishnah is not only playing as the liturgical orders which are carried out in normal lives by the Jewish people, but also emphasizing on the attitude to God and standpoint of ethical issues. In Mishnah Rosh Hashanah 3.8, the event, which was from Exodus 17:9-13, about when Moses arose his hands on the mount, the Israelites overcame Amalekites, was interrelated and interpreted with the event, which was from Numbers 21:4-9 about when Israelites were wandering in the desert and bitten by the venomous snakes, but the peoples were saved by looking upon the bronze snake hung up on the pole. Therefore, the interrelated interpretation in RH 3.8 inspired the Israelites to understand the proper attitude to God; furthermore, it provided them a unique view to deal with the ethical issue-war and peace. This is the main point of what this article is seeking to explore.
原載於《建道學刊》46期(2016年7月),頁 47-66。