淺析「勞里環」的理論與實踐──主要以講章〈上下樓梯〉為例 / 何啟明、王北雁
「勞里環」是勞里 (Eugene L. Lowry) 所創建出的一種講道方法,是「新講道學」所提倡使用的講道形式之一,屬於敘述式講道的範疇。蔡慈倫認為,單單告訴其他講道者有關新、舊講道學之間的「原則性的描述」是不足夠的,他們需要「更具體的說明」。兩位華人學者蔡慈倫和梁美心已經對「勞里環」做出「原則性的描述」。本文將解說、分析及評估「勞里環」的每一 段,並嘗試具體解說勞里的幾篇講章,特別是〈上下樓梯〉。
“Lowry loop” is a preaching style created by Eugene L. Lowry, it is one of the preaching styles advocated by the “New Homiletics” and belongs to the category of narrative preaching. Tzu-Lun Tsai argues that simply telling other preachers about the “principle description” between the “New Homiletics” and the “Old Homiletics” is not enough, they need “more specific explanations.” Two Chinese scholars, Tzu-Lun Tsai and Mavis M. Leung have already given the “principle description” of the “Lowry loop” preaching method. This article will add on it, by giving a specific explanation of each stage of the Lowry Loop with comments and analysis, using his sermons especially, the “Down Up the Staircase” as example for illustration.
原載於《建道學刊》55期(2021年1月),頁 45-64。