The present personal reflection essay gathers together the author’s personal encounter with Rev. Teng, and observe his sincere being and breath of concern. The first encounter happened back in 1975 during the collapse of Saigon City to North Vietnamese invasion. The author has been impressed by Rev. Teng’s willingness to address the concern of a young Christian with a broadminded spirit. Then the author recounted the first visit of Hong Kong Christian Representatives to Beijing back in the autumn of 1984. From another Christian leader who recounted the start of the trip in the Kai Tak Airport, the author savors the deep political wisdom of Rev. Teng in treading a fine line of not antagonizing the authorities while maintaining the integrity of the church in her traditional non-political stance. Furthermore, Rev. Teng’s Indonesia missionary work which brought in an unexpected hiatus to his pastoral and preaching work in Hong Kong, has been a major spiritual awakening and stimulus to the home church. It demonstrates the grace and wisdom of Rev. Teng’s conduct of ministry. Lastly, the author holds particularly fond memories of Rev. Teng’s exegesis of the 7 pairs of name of the Lord in the Book of Revelation. These names have been so precious and revelatory for Rev. Teng that he has at least preached them twice in the author’s reminiscence. It reflects his profound Christological devotion and understanding. For the author, Rev. Teng has demonstrated amply the treasurable spirituality of our older generation of Hong Kong pastors.
原載於《建道學刊》45期(2016年1月),頁 169-176。
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