The incenses used in incense-burning in the ancient Near East mainly came from Indian Sub-Continent, Malaysia, Malacca and Spice Islands. Junks sailing along the so-called Silk-Route-on-the -Sea transported the cargoes between the East and West Asia. The incenses mentioned in the Bible were also merchandises in China. Chinese ancient records provide more information on the incenses than any records in other languages. In fact, the Chinese record of biblical Khelbanita (Galbanum) is the only record that can be found about this incense outside of the Old Testament. Having examined the ancient sea routes between the East and West Asia, the authors opine that the incenses, except frankincense and myrrh, used in the Solomonic Temple, were imported from the Far East via India (Sri Lanka) and Yemen (biblical Sheba). Direct contact to the Far East became possible only from the Roman Period.