十九世紀英國一個小鎮凱錫克(Keswick),誕生了著名的凱錫克培靈會。 其名聲,廣至北美、歐亞等地。此聚會每年舉辦,至今已有145年,為西方重要的培靈奮興聚會。至於二十世紀的中國,也出現不少奮興運動,然至今研究多集中於山東大復興,或某些奮興佈道家,鮮有以華南為研究對象。至於華南之培靈奮興聚會,可以從兩個培靈會為研究對象,此即廣州與香港培靈研經會(今港九培靈研經會),後者舉辦至今達九十多年,其歷史之悠久,可媲美英國凱錫克培靈會。故此本文也會為仍然舉辦之凱錫克與香港培靈研經會作比較分析。
In 19th century Keswick of United Kingdom, the renowned Keswick Convention emerged. Its name has since become famous in North America, Europe and Asia. Now, this convention still held annually and has lasted for 145 years. In 20th century, revival movements were also carried out in different area of China. Research on this was mostly focused on the revival in Shandung or some revival leaders, seldom was done on the revival movement in South China. To fill the gap in literature, this paper aims at examining the history of Keswick and two Bible Conferences in Guangzhou and Hong Kong. Also, it is worth highlighting that the Hong Kong Bible Conference has over 90 years of history, quite comparable to the Keswick Convention
原載於《建道學刊》54期(2020年7月),頁 177-208。