《希望神學》、《被釘十字架的上帝》(Der gekreuzte Gott)、《教 會在聖靈的能力中》(Kirche in der Kraft des Geistes. Ein Beitrag zur messianische Ekklessiologie)被視為莫特曼於 1980 年以前的三大巨著。本篇文章分七部分: 第一部分莫特曼的思想發展的歷程,第二部分希望神學的基礎是耶穌基督的復活,第三部分耶穌基督的復活的前題是十字架,第四部分從基督論到聖靈角度看教會,第五部分上帝的應許(promissio)與人的使命(missio),第六部分從希望神學到政治神學,第七部分香港教會的使命。莫特曼從基督復活與十架的基礎發展上帝國度的教會觀,進而建構政治神學,引申出教會的時代使命。筆者希望這篇文章能夠幫助讀者進入香港處境的神學思考,客觀地尋找自己的神學立場。
Theology of Hope, The Crucified God, The Church in the Power of the Holy Spirit are Triology of Moltmann before 1980. This article is divided into 7 parts: Firstly, the development of Moltmann’s thought. Secondly, the foundation of the Theology of Hope is the Resurrection of Jesus. Thirdly, the presupposition of Jesus’s Resurrection is the Cross. Fourthly, Ecclesiology from Christological to Pneumatological Perspective. Fifthly, The Promise (promissio) of God and the mission (mission) of Human. Sixthly, From Theology of Hope to Political Theology. Seventhly, The mission of Hong Kong Church. Moltmann bases on the Cross and Jesus’s Resurrection developing Kingdom Ecclesiology, then constructing Political Theology, defining the mission of the Church in this era. This author hopes that this article could help the readers entering into the Hong Kong contextual theological reflection, to find out our own theological standpoint objectively.
原載於《建道學刊》49期(2018年1月),頁 53-78。
副院長 (行政)