莫特曼的著作以及其他作品,無論是否與神祕主義有關,是關於存在或心智,他的神學都源自對神的歷史的研究興趣,以及進行更偉大之神學工程時,他經歷神的掙扎經驗。本文期望達成的基本貢獻是,以莫特曼欣賞神祕主義的進展情形,作為他思想發展與詮釋的、主要與有力的背景。為要明白莫特曼對神祕主義的這種激賞,本文會集中注意他有關神祕主義最直接的論著The Spirit of Life 第十章”The Theology of Mystical Experience” 。
Moltmann’s works and his other writings reveal that his theology sprang from his struggle with experience of God, whether mystical or not, both existentially and intellectually, as he pursued his interest in God’s history and his larger theological project. This paper hopes to make a preliminary contribution to the thesis that Moltmann’s evolving appreciation of mysticism provides an important, dynamic context for the development and interpretation of his thought. To get at such appreciation of mysticism, the paper will focus particularly on an interpretive reading of Moltmann’s most direct consideration on mysticism, “The Theology of Mystical Experience” which is found in chapter X of The Spirit of Life.