本文根據滕近輝牧師(1922-2013年)所著神學專書、論文、講章及回憶錄 等文獻,尤其《靈力剖視—— 聖靈比喻研究》(1979年)和《在聖靈中長進》(1996年)兩部專論聖靈充滿工作的名著,考察他在七十年代和九十年代分別建構兩約異象歷史為本的「多元靈力」聖靈觀和新約保羅神學本位的「屬靈長進」聖靈觀的時代背景和個人屬靈經歷,分析這兩個以靈力靈命為中心的聖靈觀的淵源、內涵及特色,揭示這兩個新舊觀念的傳承和更新關係。兩個新舊聖靈觀是滕牧師的靈力本位聖靈論體系發展的兩個重要里程碑,拓展了聖靈學的視野和內涵,並對華人教會和神學界在追求正確屬靈方向方面,作出不可磨滅的貢獻。
This article aims at examining Pastor Philip Teng’s two theologies of “Multiple Spiritual Powers” and “Spiritual Growth” with focus on the historical visions of both Testaments and the New Testament Theology or Pauline Theology respectively in the 1970s and 1990s based on his theological monographs, journal papers, sermons, memoir and particularly Analysis of Spiritual Power (1979) and Growing in the Holy Spirit (1996). It demonstrates his individual spiritual experiences and the historical background for the two theologies and analyzes their origins, theological contents and features. It reflects the inheritance and transformation of the two theologies. The two theologies of the Holy Spirit established crucial milestones of the development of his spiritual-power based pneumatology. They broadened the perspective and contents of pneumatology and showed the right direction for the spiritual development of the Chinese church and theology.
原載於《建道學刊》45期(2016年1月),頁 229-252。