本文旨在對黃遵憲( 1848至1905年)與伊斯蘭教的關係作一初步介紹。黃遵憲是近代中國一位著名外交家、維新思想家和詩人,歷任駐日使館參贊、美國舊金山總領事、英國使館參贊、以及駐新加坡總領事。文章嘗試從黃遵憲的詩觀察他對伊斯蘭教以及其他宗教的看法。此外,他亦有詩描寫與妻子葉氏在新加坡時的生活片段,其中有一首述及葉氏勸他多誦《可蘭經》。筆者希望以此為開端,就歷史上士大夫、漢民族包括客家人對伊斯蘭教的取態,以及信奉伊斯蘭教的兄弟民族與漢族在通婚和宗教信仰等方面的互動情況,作進一步探討。
This article provides a preliminary survey on the perception of religion, especially Islam, of Huang Zunxian (1848-1905), a renowned diplomat and reformist thinker as well as a proliferate poet. He served at the Chinese embassies in Japan and the United Kingdom, and as consul general in both San Francisco and Singapore. His poems include one depicting his life, together with his wife, in Singapore. In it he wrote that his wife encouraged him, while falling ill, to read the Koran. This article is intended to be the first step to investigate Chinese literati’s attitude towards Islam, intermarriages between the Han people and the Chinese Muslims.