中國知識分子與基督教 / 卓新平
This paper analyses the relationship between Chinese intellectuals and Christianity, and the attitudes of Chinese intellectuals toward Christianity. It points out that the understanding of Christianity by the Chinese intellectuals is based firstly on the interests of the whole nation’s social, cultural and spiritual development, and secondly on the impact of personality of Christian believers. The first part of the paper describes the five interests or reasons in the study of Christianity by the intellectual circles in Chinese mainland, including their entire interests in the history of human civilization, their special concern for the Western thought and spirit, their revaluation of the history of Christianity in China, their spiritual experience of the Christian way in seeking truth, and their consideration in developing academic research. The second part analyses three different attitudes toward Christianity by the Chinese intellectuals, namely from criticism to resistance, from compatibility to combination, or from identification to conversion. Finally the paper raises the question of the form and the meaning of Christian existence in China and shows clearly that the relationship between Chinese intellectuals and Christianity depends upon the life testimony and efforts from both sides.
2025 年 1 月 28 日
【跨越文化研究生力軍】從德國到民族敬拜學 / 潘凱玲
2025 年 1 月 28 日
【跨越文化研究生力軍】你願意為宣教擺上多少? / 李潔盈
2025 年 1 月 28 日
2025 年 1 月 2 日
從梧州到長洲:建道神學院125年的挑戰與恩典 / 陳智衡
2023 年 10 月 1 日
2023 年 6 月 1 日