史蒂佩克(Steven M. Studebaker)的五旬宗政治神學/郭鴻標



五旬宗學者史蒂佩克(Steven M. Studebaker)曾經與威爾金森(Michael Wilkinson)於2010年合編了一本關於五旬宗在北美洲社會行動的書,主要指出北美洲五旬宗並非只是「反文化」(anti-culture)的,或是從主流文化中邊緣化的。普世五旬宗有兩種回應:第一種是從社會退隱或崇尚屬靈凱旋主義(Spiritual Triumphalism)。第二種是發展一種「進步的五旬宗主義」 (Progressive Pentecostalism)取代「解放神學」(Theology of Liberation),這類回應以非洲、亞洲、拉丁美洲為主,關注貧窮、不公義與生態問題。因為「解放神學選擇貧窮人,但貧窮人選擇五旬宗主義」。他們提問究竟北美洲五旬宗如何面對種族、階級、性別、生態等問題?究竟北美洲五旬宗對這些社會課題的回應,在神學上接近上述兩種路線哪一種?還是兩種都有?史蒂佩克與威爾金森認為「進步的五旬宗主義」富社會向度,對北美洲五旬宗有重要貢獻。筆者考慮史蒂佩克關於五旬宗政治神學的書應該是最近期及最新的書,所以將史蒂佩克的五旬宗政治神學作為五旬宗聖靈論的一種最新的代表,嘗試深入閱讀與思考。本論文分七部分:第一部分對奧古斯丁及路德政治神學的評論,第二部分聖靈是國度的靈,第三部分聖靈轉化巴比倫為新耶路撒冷,第四部分從聖靈論出發建構政治神學,第五部分如何建立城市?第六部分按莫特曼與韋迦的聖靈論作評論。第七部分以賽亞書的願景。


Steven M. Studebaker and Michael Wilkinson have edited a book on Pentecostal Churches and Social Action in North America in 2010. They point out that the North America Pentecostals are Anti-Culture or being withdrew from the mainline culture. The Global Pentecostals have 2 major responses to society: Spiritual Triumphalism and Progressive Pentecostalism replacing Theology of Liberation. Theology of Liberation in Africa, Asia and Latin America focus on the issues of poverty, injustice and ecology. However, Theology of Liberation chooses the poor, but the poor chooses Pentecostalism. Therefore, they ask how the North America Pentecostals face the issues of races, classes, sex, ecology…? Are they close to either one theological line or both? They think that Progressive Pentecostalism is suitable for North America Pentecostals because it has personal piety dimension and social dimension. As the book of Steven M. Studebaker on Pentecostal Political Theology is the most current book in this area, this author takes it as a representative of Pentecostal Political Theology and try to give responses from non-Pentecostal perspective. This article is consisted of 7 parts: (1) Comment on Augustine and Luther’s Political Theology, (2) Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Kingdom, (3) Holy Spirit transforms Babylon into Jerusalem, (4) Construct Political Theology from Pneumatology, (5) How to build up a City? (6) Comment according to Jürgen Moltmann and Michael Welker, (7) the Vision of the Book of Isaiah.

原載於《建道學刊》52期(2019年7月),頁 41-64。



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