

本文的旨趣為透過德國神學家雲格爾(Eberhard Jüngel)對巴特思想的詮釋,探究巴特的三一啟示論與「信仰的類比」(analogia Fidei )的神學意含。本文首先介紹巴特「信仰的類比」思想所倚恃的三一啟示論,並指出神學界對其作出的三種不同詮釋,進而利用這歸類為華人神學界對巴特的探討作一些解說。第二部份介紹雲格爾對巴特三一啟示論及「信仰的類比」思想的詮釋,並指出他的思想一方面可以幫助我們肯定啟示與神學言說的正面關係,另一方面則保持人與上帝之間被造者與創造者的分野,不讓「上帝的人性」被「人的人性」所統攝。從雲格爾的詮釋出發,巴特的三一啟示論及「信仰的類比」思想所強調的「信心」,並不是「唯信主義」,也不需要成為一種解構式的「批判詮釋學」,而是一種對上帝的「念茲在茲」(Nachenken / thinking after)。它一方面顯示了啟示與神學語言如何是人的「不可能下的可能」,另一方面建構出一個神學人觀,指出上帝的人性始終與人的人性是有所分別的,因而我們不可將「上帝的道」脫離那人耶穌,詮釋成為人的普遍性質或事件。



Through Eberhard Jüngel’s interpretation, this article aims to analyze the theological implication of Barth’s theology of trinitarian revelation and analogy of faith. In the first part, I analyze that there are three ways to interpret Barth’s theology of revelation and his concept of analogy of faith. I illustrate that these three different perspectives can also be found within the Chinese theological circle. In the second part, I introduce Eberhard Jüngel’s interpretation of Barth. I argue that Jüngel’s interpretation, on the one hand, can help us to affirm a positive relation between revelation and theological discourse. On the other hand, it can keep the Creator-creatures distinction between God and human being. It can avoid the humanity of God being absorbed into the humanity of man. From this interpretation, I argue that Barth’s doctrine of revelation is not a fideism. The faith in the analogy of faith is “thinking after” God. It shows that the theological language is the possibility of human impossibility, and is a “correspondence” to the Triune God.
