胡維華 台灣中華福音神學院舊約副教授、教牧中心主任
上帝呼召亞伯拉罕,並應許賜福的記敘,在聖經中扮演着極為重要的角 色。就承先的角度而言,亞伯拉罕的一生,特別是他與上帝的關係,顯示上帝 與挪亞所立,不再滅絕大地是可以持守的約。就啟後的角度而言,之後的敘事 圍繞在上帝賜給亞伯拉罕的應許會如何實現。不論是子嗣、土地、財富、美名 等,成就的過程可謂高潮迭起、峰迴路轉。
The call of Abraham occupies a pivotal position in the book of Genesis. On one hand, building on the preceding flood narrative, it demonstrates that the covenant God made with Noah can be established forever. Man can be obedient to God and cultivate a lifestyle that is in congruent with God’s will. As a result, God does not need to destroy the earth because of the sins of mankind. The promises God made to Abraham, on the other hand, become the focal point of the following stories. Whether it is offspring, or land, or fame, the process leading to the fulfillment is always dramatic, and the retelling, inviting.
Hagar and Ishmael, however, are often seen as unnecessary intrusion in a well-constructed story. Their appearance was simply the result of human weakness, and their departure from the scene provides great relief to the reader. This line of interpretation, though often adopted, runs contrary to the understanding that in Abraham was seen the initial fulfillment of the Noahic covenant. If abuse of power manifests itself in the family of Abraham just as in those of the flood generation, the answer to God’s promise not to destroy the earth has to lie in someone else.
This paper seeks to re-examine the Hagar story through semantic, contextual, and syntactical analysis. It suggests that the account about Hagar and her child should be read as a narrative of peacemaking through God’s intervention. The reconciliation between Issac and Ishmael is a vivid testimony to the grace of God. It seems this understanding is more in line with the role that Abrahamic cycle plays in the Book of Genesis.
原載於《建道學刊》41期(2014年1月),頁 103-120。
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