無為之用──關於梁家麟文中的趙紫宸先生及其他 / 張賢勇
As a response to an article published in Jian Dao issue 9, the present paper discusses seven central issues with regard to the study of T.C. Chao (1888-1979), the most distinguished theologian China has ever produced: namely, T.C. Chao vs. Y.T. Wu; the dysfunction of the National Christian Council of China: the principle of historical neutrality attested in the study of T.C. Chao; the Young Men Christian Association/the Young Women Christian Association’s interaction with the Student Christian Movement in China; T.C. Chao’s withdrawal from the World Christian Council; and T.C. Chao as reflected in the tragedy of Chinese Christian intellectuals. In attempting to portray a true to life picture of T.C. Chao, the author provides some minute analyses and in-depth comments based on available historical evidences from various sources. The paper concludes with a reflection on the presence of non-participation and its function, which was obviously adopted by T.C. Chao during the first years of the Peoples Republic of China. The author includes in the appendix five relevant historical documents which have so far remained unknown to the majority of Chinese scholarship.
2025 年 1 月 28 日
【跨越文化研究生力軍】從德國到民族敬拜學 / 潘凱玲
2025 年 1 月 28 日
【跨越文化研究生力軍】你願意為宣教擺上多少? / 李潔盈
2025 年 1 月 28 日
2025 年 1 月 2 日
從梧州到長洲:建道神學院125年的挑戰與恩典 / 陳智衡
2023 年 10 月 1 日
2023 年 6 月 1 日