A Healing Journey: Preaching Narrative in Eugene Lowry’s Model to the Wounded Hearers in the Context of Hong Kong/Wing-Yi Wong
Wing-Yi Wong
Traumatized experiences, ruptures in a timely experience, are rooted and hidden in people’s hearts. The task to generate a healing path for the wounded is vital yet challenging. When the on-going Anti-Extradition Law Movement started in June 2019 is invoked in the public sphere and with many similar tragic features of the Occupy Movement in 2014, it leads to a collective traumatized experience in Hong Kong. Both preachers and listeners are undergoing the journey from wounded to recovery for years. Eugene Lowry, one of the most significant narrative homileticians, emphasizes the connection between audiences and preachers, advocating reform of journey experiences in preaching. Thus, his preaching model can inspire and bring new enlightenment to the contemporary Hong Kong pulpits. Wounded clergies, therefore, are able to sketch a healing journey in the pulpit and can go through a narrative healing process with their overwhelmed listeners.
於時間突現的創傷經歷,會植根於受創者的心底深處,並須漫長年日方能治癒。因此,牧者要為受創信徒提供治癒之旅,是重要而艱鉅的牧養工作。2019年始的反逃犯修定條例運動,與 2014 年的雨傘運動有許多相類特徵,兩者同樣為香港帶來持續而重覆的集體創傷經驗。教會中不論是牧者或信徒,也因而經歷了漫長的傷癒之旅。尤金·洛里(Eugene Lowry)是其中一位重要的敘事講道倡導者,他強調聽眾和講員之間的聯繫。他提出的敘事講道模式,能啟發已然受創的香港牧者,藉宣講勾勒出一段由創傷至復原的旅程。講員因而能與同樣受創的會眾,一起經歷敘事宣講帶來的傷癒之旅。
原載於《建道學刊》54期(2020年7月) ,頁283-304。