The Truth of the gospel: a study in Galatians 2:15-21 / Ezra Hon-seng Kok

This is a sustained detailed study of one central Pauline text Gal 2.15-21. The passage contains several key Pauline terms and motifs which require interpretation, such as…

【老師專欄】教會音樂的操練 / 蕭柔婕






Revisiting The Case of An Infinitive with Two Substantival Accusatives/Paul W. Cheung

This paper focuses on the question of the syntactic parsing of ambiguous linguistic situations. The case examined is the Greek infinitive constructed with two substantival…

The Beginning of The Gospel The Introductory Statement of Mark’s Gospel (1:1-3)/Ronnie S. Poon

This study seeks to show that the initial quotation in Mark 1:2-3 functions as a bridge between the Old Testament tradition of God's deliverance of His people through the…

A Study of Biblical Basis of Spirit Baptism and Spirit-fullness/Herrick P. Liu

Since the growth of the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movement is rapid around the world, it is important to re-examine the biblical basis of one of its central teaching: the…

The State of Spiritual Ascent of Bishop Aguustine/Kiven S. Choy

The meditation on "memory" is the experience, the witness, the confession, the praise, the teaching and the prayer of Bishop Augustine for his congregation.



