


本文旨在闡述魏克利(Philip L.……

A Healing Journey: Preaching Narrative in Eugene Lowry’s Model to the Wounded Hearers in the Context of Hong Kong/Wing-Yi Wong

Wounded clergies are able to sketch a healing journey in the pulpit and can go through a narrative healing process with their overwhelmed listeners.The task to generate a healing…

That All Shall Be Saved: Heaven, Hell, And Universal Salvation/李子健


On Wine and Wineskins in Mark 2:21-22/Ken-jom Ho

This paper reviews that traditional construal and finds it wanting. Alternatives are explored and an optimal explanation based on what "wine" might have meant in the contemporary…

The Material Realities of Ancient Travel Journey in Proverbs 1-9 / Shirley S. Ho

This article seeks to locate Proverbs 1-9 in ancient Near East context of ancient travel journey. It highlights the material realities an ancient traveler encounters in his…

Is Soren Kierkegaard a Friend or Foe of Natural Theology? A Chinese Perspective / Kai-man Kwan

For many people, Kierkegaard is obviously a foe of natural theology. However, this paper will argue that Kierkegaard's work as a whole, regardless of his original intention, is…

「教會似家」 與 「家如教會」——華人教會對家庭事工的認知與實務/彭淑鈴、張江光麗






史蒂佩克(Steven M. Studebaker)的五旬宗政治神學/郭鴻標

五旬宗學者史蒂佩克(Steven M. Studebaker)曾經與威爾金森(Michael…