2018 年 7 月 1 日
Rudge’s Managerial Theology and God-centered Management:Trinitarian Theology and a Biblical Theology Approach for Christians in Marketplace and Church-place/Wong Sin-yi
The intention of this paper is to introduce a theology of God-centered management built upon the foundational theology of the Triune God, and which uses a biblical theology…
2018 年 1 月 6 日
「建構福音派之屬靈分辨模式:愛德華滋和聖依納爵傳統對話 —兼評霍華德的知識論」/廖炳堂
改革宗福音派的神學傳統一向不太重視對感性經歷的研究,所以至今仍未有較完整之屬靈分辨模式。首先,我們嘗試從加爾文主義清教徒領袖愛德華滋(Jonathan Edwards) 的神學,論證感性經歷在靈命及神學中的核心位置,並屬靈分辨原則的建構;其次,我們從陶乃(Jules J.…
2018 年 1 月 1 日
Sic Non Transit Gloria Mundi: The Reformation Concept of Hope in Melanchthon’s Exposition of the Lord’s Prayer/Matthew Oseka
The 16th-century Reformation changed the concept of hope, which was prevailing in ancient and mediaeval Christianity, and thus paved the way for a new understanding of hope within…
2018 年 1 月 1 日
2018 年 1 月 1 日
「你們就是神的聖殿」是保羅在哥林多後書的末世教會觀。儘管不少學者 認為保羅的聖殿羣體觀念主要受了猶太傳統的影響,然而卻忽略了在希羅世界……