Challenged to Step Out in Faith / Alice Tse
In John 21:14-17, Jesus asked Simon Peter a very important question, “Do you love me more than these?”Like Peter, many Christians would undoubtedly say “yes”, But it becomes a real test of faith during critical moments of decision-making, as I have encountered.
While studying advertising and marketing in England, my involvement with the Chinese Overseas Christian Missions sparked off my interest in missions. Then I worked in a large international bank in Hong Kong for several years. In the Summer of 1985, God spoke to me on three occasions the story of Jonah. Later, He called me into full time Christian ministry.Intending to pursue theological training in the Fall of 1986, I wrote to inquire from several mission-oriented theological schools overseas.
However, late last year my father and grandmother became ill and were hospitalized. Since my younger brother would be leaving in September 1986 for USA to pursue his Ph. D. studies, it would be unwise for me to study overseas simultaneously. Would it mean deferring my plans for theological training? Fortunately, I could attend local theological extension classes. Then I discovered that Alliance Bible Seminary was beginning this Fall a new master program in missions and evangelism, exactly the kind of training I was seeking.
When informed about my decision to pursue theological education in preparation for Christian ministry, my family, who were not Christians, opposed it so strongly that I gave in. Instead, with a good income, I felt could play an important role in the Christian ministry by supporting financially several needy mission agencies. But deep within me I was undergoing a great struggle.
God used the biography of Hudson Taylor to challenge me. Once, Taylor refused to collect an offering at a meeting because, “Even with more money, it cannot save the soul of a man.” God convicted me of my excuse and reconfirmed His call to me through the Scriptures. After much prayer, I decided to apply for admission to Alliance Bible Seminary.According to bank regulations, executive staff needs to give three months’ notice prior to resigning. Hence, as an act of faith, I handed in my resignation before knowing whether I would be accepted by the school. However, my faith has been abundantly rewarded.
My father and grandmother are recovering speedily at home. My mother has finally accepted my decision although she still claims it was a wrong move. My studies are stimulating and practical. I am convinced, like Joshua, that God will continue to lead and guide me as long as I remain faithful to His call (Joshua 1:9).
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