David'S Mourning For Absalom According To Josephus/Christopher T. Begg 貝格
撒母耳記下十八章19節至十九章9節上,記述了聖經其中一個最淒酸的故事——大衛哀悼謀反的兒子押沙龍。大衛面對兒子叛變,雖然曾要求部下保存押沙龍的性命,但兒子最後還是被殺。本文審視約瑟夫在《猶太古史》(Ant 7.245- 257)中如何重述這故事,並闡明在此版本中藴含的三個主要問題:第一,約瑟夫使用了哪(幾)個聖經文本形式;第二,他處理「原稿」資料時運用了哪種寫作技巧,這種處理方法有甚麼特色;第三,約瑟夫處理關於撒母耳資料的方法,與古猶太及基督教傳統有何不同。
2 Samuel 18:19-19:9a (Eng. 18:19-19:8a) tells one of the most poignant stories in the Bible, David’s mourning for his rebel son Absalom who has just been defeated and killed contrary to his earlier pleas. This article examines Josephus’ retelling of the story in his Ant. 7.245-257.It aims to elucidate three overarching questions regarding the Josephan version. Firstly, which text-form(s) of the biblical text did the historian utilize? Secondly, what rewriting techniques has he brought to bear on the data of his Vorlage and what is distinctive about his rendition as a result of his doing so? Thirdly and finally, how does Josephus’ handling of the Samuel material compare with its treatment elsewhere in ancient Jewish and Christian tradition?