Longacre's Discourse Analysis Model Adapted for the New Testament Interpretation: Application with Reference to the Gospel of John / Yan Ma
Yan Ma
近年來,語篇分析已成為聖經研究領域中的一項重要釋經方法,各種語篇分析方法已被構建並應用於詮釋聖經文本。朗阿克雷(Robert E. Longacre)研究的語篇分析方法被廣泛用於解讀希伯來文敘事文,對舊約聖經的語篇分析產生了重大影響。本文將改寫朗阿克雷的語篇分析方法,使其適用於詮釋希臘文新約聖經。筆者將整合希臘文語言系統中的所有基本要素,並將改寫後的方法應用於構建約翰福音的語篇結構,進而以約翰福音十三章1 至30 節為例,展示如何根據語篇結構進行語篇分析。如此,筆者將證實改寫後的語篇分析方法不僅為希臘文敘事文提供了語言學分析的框架,更為新約釋經提供了有效而重要的工具。該語篇分析方法能夠全面查考新約文本的語言特徵,將為現有的新約研究提供新的洞見。
Discourse analysis has recently become an important interpretive approach in the field of biblical studies. Various models of discourse analysis have been constructed and applied to interpret the biblical text. The discourse analysis model developed by Robert E. Longacre has been widely adopted to understand the Hebrew narrative and has a significant influence on the discourse analysis of the Old Testament. This paper proposes to remodel Longacre’s approach for the interpretation of the Greek New Testament. I will reconstruct Longacre’s discourse analysis model by integrating all essential elements in the Greek language system as well as demonstrate the application of this reconstructed model by adopting it to form the discourse structure of John’s Gospel and to conduct a discourse analysis on John 13:1–30 within this discourse structure. In this way, I will verify that the reconstructed model of Longacre’s approach, which provides a linguistic framework for the exploration of the Greek narrative, can serve as an effective and important tool for the New Testament interpretation. This discourse analysis model fully assesses the linguistic features of the New Testament text and will offer new insights into the existing research of New Testament studies.
原載於《建道學刊》58期(2022年7月),頁 61-82。