The Trials of the Christians as Elect Resident Aliens and Visiting Strangers in 1 Peter
/ Jason Jit-fong Lim
自艾略特(John H. Elliot)的A Home for the Homeless問世後,彼得前書收信人的背景及信中「客旅及寄居者」的意思,便成了學者研究的新焦點。本書作者從釋經的角度,重新審視了彼得前書收信人的社會階層,並仔細闡釋「客旅及寄居者」一語的含意,以及當時收信者面對的逼迫和試煉。
出版資料: 日期:2005年初版 頁數:464頁 價錢:HK$200(精裝)
Ch. 1 : The Socio-Religious Profile of the Recipents within hte Graeco-Roman Milieu
Ch. 2 : The analyses of Passages Related to the Christians as Elect Resident Aliens and Visiting Strangers
Ch. 3 : The Spiritual Trials of the Christians as Elect Resident Aliens and Visiting Strangers
Ch. 4 : The Sufferings of the Christians as Elect Resident Aliens and Visting Strangers
Ch. 5 : The Trials of the Christian Slaves in 1 Peter
Ch. 6 : The Trials of the Christian Wives in 1 Peter
Ch. 7 : The Contributions of the Motif of ” the Trials of the Christians as Elect Resident Aliens and Visiting Strangers ” in 1 Peter
Concluding Remarks.